The architectural project of fluvial cities: from a local to a continental approach

Publicado em 17 de maio de 2021

Em 18/05/2021, às 09:00
Local: Evento online

Seminar BK TU Delft / LABPROJ FAU USP – 2021: The architectural project of fluvial cities: from a local to a continental approach
BK TU Delft – AR086/AR093 – Infrastructure and Environment Design (IED)
FAU USP – AUP5897 – Architecture project of fluvial urban infrastructures

Seminar #1
Tuesday, May 18, 2021 / 09.00 to 12.15 BRT / 14.00 to 17.15 CET
Online Meeting (Google Meet):

first session (90′)
09:00 BRT / 14:00 CET (10′)
Opening: Taneha Bacchin and Alexandre Delijaicov

09.10 BRT / 14.10 CET (20′)
Speaker 1: Taneha Bacchin, assistant professor urban design theory and methods at BK TU Delft
Title: Transpositions, translations: Infrastructure, landscape, and the territory



09.30 BRT / 14.30 CET (20′)
Speaker 2: Lucas de Andrade, architect and researcher at LABPROJ FAU USP
Title: Micro Basin of the Pirajuçara-Mirim stream as an unit of planning, design and management of the urban infrastructures and public facilities networks (undergraduate thesis)

09:50 BRT / 14:50 CET (20′)
Speaker 3: Pedro Fernandes, architect and researcher at LABPROJ FAU USP
Title: Architectural design of urban fluvial infrastructures: neighbourhoods, parks and ports at the confluence of Guarapiranga and Jurubatuba canals (undergraduate thesis)

10.10 BRT / 15.10 CET (20′)

10.30 BRT / 15.30 CET (15′)
end of first session / coffee break

second session (90′)
10.45 BRT / 15.45 CET (20′)
Speaker 4: Lucas Di Gioia, architect and researcher at BK TU Delft
Title: Territories of mediation: shared existences in the Brazilian Amazon

11.05 BRT / 16.05 CET (20′)
Speaker 5: Luiz Azevedo, architect and researcher at LABPROJ FAU USP
Title: Urban Waterways, Regional Waterways, Fluvial-Cities Network: Architecture Project of Regional Fluvial Infrastructure for the Junction Canal Paraguai-Madeira (undergraduate thesis)

11.25 BRT / 16.25 CET (20′)
Speaker 6: Nicolas Carvalho, architect and researcher at LABPROJ FAU USP
Title: Architecture project of the fluvial urban infrastructures: urban and regional waterway systems and river port cities network on Tietê Waterway (master dissertation)

11.45 BRT / 16.45 CET (20′)

12.05 BRT / 17.05 CET (10′)
ending of workshop: Taneha Bacchin and Alexandre Delijaicov

12.15 BRT / 17.15 CET
end of workshop

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