International Agreements

FAUUSP has academic agreements with several institutions around the world, we currently have bilateral agreements in 17 different countries, in the fields of Architecture, Urbanism and Design.

List of international cooperation and academic mobility agreements: (in Portuguese):

FAUUSP’s Partner Institutions

The agreements allow students to do differents mobility’s programs, as Undergraduate and/or Graduate Exchange, Double Undergraduate and/or Graduate Degree, as well as providing for the exchange of professors, researchers and technical staff.

As FAUUSP is a public institution and there is no fee for the students, for this reason we do not accept “free movers”, only exchanges with bilateral agreements that provide bilateral exchange of students between between interested schools.

International Academic Agreements

Agreements Instructions

FAU’s International Office is responsible for establishing international cooperation agreements with foreign bodies and institutions in order to encourage the exchange of students, professors and researchers.

To establish an agreement, it is necessary that a professor from FAU be the coordinator of the agreement. If you do not have any contact with a FAU professor, we suggest that you contact the FAU International Office so that we can assist with this process: .

USP has some pre-written agreement drafts, which can be made more flexible as agreed between the institutions. Below we make available the english bilingual drafts of the Academic Mobility Agreement and the MoU:

Academic Mobility Agreement

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)


FAU International Office
E-mail contact

FAU International Office

Profa. Priscila Lena Farias

Prof. Gustavo Curcio

Service team

Fernanda Samie Shoshi
Head of Academic Support Section
+55 11 3091-1576

Maria Vilani Cezar
+55 11 3091-1575

Rodrigo Gonçalves Winther
+55 11 3091-4685

Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 09h to 18h